Tag Archives: Glyphosate

Dos and Don’ts Of Weeds

Do tackle problem weeds fast: the older they get, the harder they are to destroy.

Don’t try to clear problem perennial weeds growing in a rockery or among a border of choice small perennials by hand. Spot treat them with a glyphosate-based weedkiller. In a particularly bad case it is easier to take out all the plants you want to save and blanket treat the whole area with weedkiller, then start again.

Do break off the flowering heads of weeds if you don’t have time to weed properly. This will stop them seeding.

Don’t put weeds that have set seed or roots of perennial weeds on your compost heap. It’s unlikely the temperature in the heap will get hot enough to kill them, so you will just spread a new crop of weeds along with your compost.

Do learn to recognize the seedling’ of most common weeds, so you can leave self-sown seedlings of plants you may want to keep (such as hellebores), to grow safely.

Don’t try to dig out problem perennial weeds like horsetail, couch grass and bindweed – every tiny scrap of root that is left in the ground will grow to make a new plant.